2nd Reqst No reply to our messages xyzxyz The below is in reference to your recent transaction that is under compliance review.
Please refer to payment transaction dated 11/5/2013 , , our trn reference xyzxyz for xyzxyz/USD for DDA/xyzxyz.
Please be advised that we have not completed your payment as it is under compliance department review for a possible OFAC or JPM risk policy issue. Our legal compliance department has requested you to provide the following information REFERENCE TO THE WORD AMOL, DISCLOSE IF ANY IRANIAN INTEREST/INVOLVEMENT..
Please be advised that we cannot take any action regarding payment instructions held until the requested information has been provided and reviewed by our legal compliance department.
If a response is not received within a timely manner, the funds could be blocked/rejected in accordance with the sanctioned program.
Please ensure to quote our JPMorgan case number in your reply.
USD Wire Investigations our reference xyzxyz
JPMorgan Global Solutions Center xyzxyz
For actions required on this case, please ensure you respond via Chase Online.