Category Archives: Posts

How to get your email/domain deleted from the universe.
Easy, really. 1. Loose permissions somewhere in a WordPress 2. Someone puts a clone type site up 3. The internet police (LogicBoxes?) shuts down the domain entirely at the nameserver level, with the cooperation of your registrar Dreamhost 4.

How to get your email/domain deleted from the universe.
Easy, really. 1. Loose permissions somewhere in a WordPress 2. Someone puts a clone type site up 3. The internet police (LogicBoxes?) shuts down the domain entirely at the nameserver level, with the cooperation of your registrar Dreamhost 4.

“Specialization is for insects.”
A great line with a great history of fans. More on the lore here –>

“Specialization is for insects.”
A great line with a great history of fans. More on the lore here –>

People don’t read.
// Mr. Rhomberg recently gave a workshop at Digital Book World, a publishing conference in New York, and some of his findings confirmed the worst fears of publishers and authors. On average, fewer than half of the books tested were

People don’t read.
// Mr. Rhomberg recently gave a workshop at Digital Book World, a publishing conference in New York, and some of his findings confirmed the worst fears of publishers and authors. On average, fewer than half of the books tested were

French Presses make better coffee
The French press is agreed by most coffee tasters to be the best tasting coffee you can make. Howard Schulz (Starbucks founder) makes his morning cup for him and his wife this way. It’s also faster. Just boil water, pour,

French Presses make better coffee
The French press is agreed by most coffee tasters to be the best tasting coffee you can make. Howard Schulz (Starbucks founder) makes his morning cup for him and his wife this way. It’s also faster. Just boil water, pour,

Charles Baudelaire on entrepreneurship
The Parisian symbolist bohemian is writing about artists but he may as well be talking about the feeling and mindset of startup founders and entrepreneurs. // Pour soulever un poids si lourd, Sisyphe, il faudrait ton courage! Bien qu’on ait

Charles Baudelaire on entrepreneurship
The Parisian symbolist bohemian is writing about artists but he may as well be talking about the feeling and mindset of startup founders and entrepreneurs. // Pour soulever un poids si lourd, Sisyphe, il faudrait ton courage! Bien qu’on ait

Advice for doing, from Hamlet.
Of thinking too precisely on th’ event— A thought which, quartered, hath but one part wisdom And ever three parts coward—I do not know Why yet I live to say “This thing’s to do,” Sith I have cause and will

Advice for doing, from Hamlet.
Of thinking too precisely on th’ event— A thought which, quartered, hath but one part wisdom And ever three parts coward—I do not know Why yet I live to say “This thing’s to do,” Sith I have cause and will

Productivity Paradox circa 1992
Robot and AI fans know a problem that economists have been raising for a bit (an MIT crew in particular, which noted this problem has persisted since the early 1990s in economic data). The problem is: we are using more

Productivity Paradox circa 1992
Robot and AI fans know a problem that economists have been raising for a bit (an MIT crew in particular, which noted this problem has persisted since the early 1990s in economic data). The problem is: we are using more

Happiness and institutions
The dinner party conversation recently of Wall Street types and technologists, surprisingly for me, was largely about happiness — everyone’s, as a global society. It’s interesting how a well functioning society can get happier and stronger through crisis, according to

Happiness and institutions
The dinner party conversation recently of Wall Street types and technologists, surprisingly for me, was largely about happiness — everyone’s, as a global society. It’s interesting how a well functioning society can get happier and stronger through crisis, according to

Using a prepaid phone or two.
I switched to all-prepaid recently. My data phone has been a T-Mobile $30 for 3GB phone for a while. But no voice and voice over IP sucks (e.g., Hangouts) So I need another phone and it used to be an

Using a prepaid phone or two.
I switched to all-prepaid recently. My data phone has been a T-Mobile $30 for 3GB phone for a while. But no voice and voice over IP sucks (e.g., Hangouts) So I need another phone and it used to be an
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