Happy New Year. It’s more than that though, I think. This year marks the start of a New Era. More on this after I give you a few updates on my work the last year.
Send your CEO friends to us at Knotel where we run company-sized workspaces with flexibility and stellar service all around NYC. We have had our minds-blown this past year by how many leaders don’t want old-fashioned leases and equally can’t fit their team into a coworking suite. By the end of 2017, we plan to have Knotel 100x the size of 2015.
Collect your thoughts and manage your work with Knotable’s dashboard for teamwork. It’s how I keep my projects moving, and now tens of thousands of innovative people are using Knotepads to pull people and ideas together. The iPhone, Android and Web apps all work beautifully and this year you won’t be able to get a free account anymore.
The once-fantastical Halo Neuroscience is now so real it is buyable — so get it and run faster, jump higher, and be better. Though you won’t be quite first; too many military special forces and world champion athletes are training with Halo Sport already.
I started teaching undergrads at Columbia University this year, about how to create impactful new ventures. We don’t talk much about building buildings, but our East of East and other Queens properties (the book “Q is for Queens” included) are welcoming all-time high interest in this new, old part of NYC.
We brought together 1000s of people to WorkAwesome, InboxAwesome and events we hosted at Knotel all last year.
Business As Usual.
Though H.G. Wells, writing about the days in 1914 after the Archduke was shot in Sarajevo, describes the current feeling better: “It was like a man still walking about the world unaware that he has contracted a fatal disease which will alter every routine and habit in his life.”
My agenda for this year includes an important new reason to collect people together.
A New Era is underway. We know what started it — political, international, environmental and technological upheaval of the last year — and while we don’t know how it will unfold here is one imperative for everyone: time to update your views on everything from energy to interest rates to laws to social networks to meeting rooms to passports. Everything will be different.
My own updated view is that Americans and Europeans should be forming and joining groups. Host a dinner. Talk about the world. Make a list of who you are. Ask everyone who comes to go host their own. Repeat monthly.
I’m hosting my own on January 20th in New York and I hope you will come along, with news of your own efforts. Hit reply to join us or to ask for more about what I have been working on.
So with that best wishes for the new era ahead.
Please send a line if I can help with your own efforts on this topic. I have been collecting people, ideas, and tools at the Knotel, on a Knotepad, with Halos at the ready.
Some links