If you are 10x the next guy… Four trends in venture to note

The US last year expanded its lead in VC against most everyone, and is about 10x investment volume vs. China. Seems like a favorable trend to me if you are sitting in the US market. That’s last year. (Present tumult in the US — can’t predict what that might do, really. Though hard to argue it would dampen vs. a place like China.)

Europe actually beat China. That’s news.

Enterprise software, aka “generalist AI + other stuff” was the obvious number 1. But note yet again how far Health is ahead of Fintech (true for the last few years – and probably forevermore.)

These layers are nice to look at. The red and green are where interest has been pivoting back and forth. The “DeepSeek World” would argue for more green. The “Titan World” (more on that soon) would argue for more red.

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