Rainfall in NYC
0.6 inches in about 5 minutes around 3pm today. Caused floods. https://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KNYC/2016/2/16/DailyHistory.html?req_city=Long+Island+City&req_state=NY&req_statename=New+York&reqdb.zip=11101&reqdb.magic=1&reqdb.wmo=99999

Rainfall in NYC
0.6 inches in about 5 minutes around 3pm today. Caused floods. https://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KNYC/2016/2/16/DailyHistory.html?req_city=Long+Island+City&req_state=NY&req_statename=New+York&reqdb.zip=11101&reqdb.magic=1&reqdb.wmo=99999

Shorter Steve Blank’s “Epiphany”
A friend was talking to me about Agile recently. A huge important movement in programming with an intellectual leader (Jeff Sutherland). He was telling me everything should be agile. Government, finance, etc. It got me thinking: There are a ton

Shorter Steve Blank’s “Epiphany”
A friend was talking to me about Agile recently. A huge important movement in programming with an intellectual leader (Jeff Sutherland). He was telling me everything should be agile. Government, finance, etc. It got me thinking: There are a ton

Halo is real
You can buy it here http://www.haloneuro.com Here is me wearing it here: And here is my favorite piece of coverage on it: “The difference between champions and also rans” Brain zapper Halo claims to make you jump higher, think faster,

Halo is real
You can buy it here http://www.haloneuro.com Here is me wearing it here: And here is my favorite piece of coverage on it: “The difference between champions and also rans” Brain zapper Halo claims to make you jump higher, think faster,

Computer Science != Ethics
Oreilly makes Paul Graham’s algorithmic ethics look very, very naive. In a way that most commentators failed horribly (bad facts, bad logic). https://medium.com/the-wtf-economy/what-paul-graham-is-missing-about-inequality-a9f7e1613059#.2pkz7qmhv

Computer Science != Ethics
Oreilly makes Paul Graham’s algorithmic ethics look very, very naive. In a way that most commentators failed horribly (bad facts, bad logic). https://medium.com/the-wtf-economy/what-paul-graham-is-missing-about-inequality-a9f7e1613059#.2pkz7qmhv

Are people moving more?
Lease lengths in commercial real estate (source, via) are getting shorter. Though residential moves in the US have been falling for a long, long time. (My theory: It’s probably that people are living longer and don’t need to move

Are people moving more?
Lease lengths in commercial real estate (source, via) are getting shorter. Though residential moves in the US have been falling for a long, long time. (My theory: It’s probably that people are living longer and don’t need to move

Zillions and zillions: an email fiasco that tore a hole in the Internet
I write emails to everyone I know every once in a while. About once a month. I use some tools to get these sent, use unsubscribe links, manage my lists/contacts, and generally try to be a good citizen. Still,

Zillions and zillions: an email fiasco that tore a hole in the Internet
I write emails to everyone I know every once in a while. About once a month. I use some tools to get these sent, use unsubscribe links, manage my lists/contacts, and generally try to be a good citizen. Still,

CRISPR reading list
I’m very curious to learn more and explore the ideas possible around CRISPR. Apparently anything is possible, and it feels to me like PCs, the Internet, Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Social Networks, Blockchain, Drones… all those big new platform technologies. A

CRISPR reading list
I’m very curious to learn more and explore the ideas possible around CRISPR. Apparently anything is possible, and it feels to me like PCs, the Internet, Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Social Networks, Blockchain, Drones… all those big new platform technologies. A

Ray Kurzweil is from Queens
So was Richard Feynman. More heroes of Queens here at Q is for Queens.

Could the deflating bubbles worldwide be an innocent good thing?
Maybe the worst will pass without incident? China – deflated/deflating but not crashing (as long as growth is +3% and their government stays stable…seems good enough for me) Startups – early/late stage companies in soft landing with repricing of seed,

Could the deflating bubbles worldwide be an innocent good thing?
Maybe the worst will pass without incident? China – deflated/deflating but not crashing (as long as growth is +3% and their government stays stable…seems good enough for me) Startups – early/late stage companies in soft landing with repricing of seed,

Venturing to Change the World, the startups class at Columbia College this spring.
I’m teaching a class with Damon Phillips this Spring at Columbia. It’s pretty exciting. Here’s what it’s about: how to start startups and build them into something important. It’s a survey; it covers a broad range of topics related to

Venturing to Change the World, the startups class at Columbia College this spring.
I’m teaching a class with Damon Phillips this Spring at Columbia. It’s pretty exciting. Here’s what it’s about: how to start startups and build them into something important. It’s a survey; it covers a broad range of topics related to
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