Product/startup idea: OpenCalendar

Google Maps has eaten the world but at the same time shown the value of modern, configurable, API-based maps. So I have been happy to see Mapbox doing really well for example. And the next-gen ideas on maps are unbelievable

Product/startup idea: OpenCalendar

Google Maps has eaten the world but at the same time shown the value of modern, configurable, API-based maps. So I have been happy to see Mapbox doing really well for example. And the next-gen ideas on maps are unbelievable

Paul Rand vs. Saul Bass

Saul Bass logos   Paul Rand logos

Paul Rand vs. Saul Bass

Saul Bass logos   Paul Rand logos

Tl;dr of Thiel’s Zero to One

The book doesn’t appear to be a simple rehash of the notes from his Stanford class “Startup”. 1. The challenge of the future It’s making startups; that’s how we make progress. 2. Party like it’s 1999 The 1999 bubble left

Tl;dr of Thiel’s Zero to One

The book doesn’t appear to be a simple rehash of the notes from his Stanford class “Startup”. 1. The challenge of the future It’s making startups; that’s how we make progress. 2. Party like it’s 1999 The 1999 bubble left

Product idea: Sixth Sense

Here’s a trend: notifications as a platform. Apps and OS-level tools that bring you notifications are all over the place — the Apple Watch is arguably all about notifications and then there is the new Facebook app and central features

Product idea: Sixth Sense

Here’s a trend: notifications as a platform. Apps and OS-level tools that bring you notifications are all over the place — the Apple Watch is arguably all about notifications and then there is the new Facebook app and central features

How to Dim Your iPhone Screen At Night

Settings –> General –> Accessibility –> Zoom –> Zoom Filter –> Low Light. Works on iOS (iPhone, iPad). There is also a “shortcut” setting in Accessibility to triple-tap and turn it on or off.

How to Dim Your iPhone Screen At Night

Settings –> General –> Accessibility –> Zoom –> Zoom Filter –> Low Light. Works on iOS (iPhone, iPad). There is also a “shortcut” setting in Accessibility to triple-tap and turn it on or off.

Calendar spam reaches the next level

    Sometimes I like to post about neat product/tech things I notice. Like I discovered you can type on the iPhone without looking at the keyboard. Like you can make eye contact and still type the whole time. (<–

Calendar spam reaches the next level

    Sometimes I like to post about neat product/tech things I notice. Like I discovered you can type on the iPhone without looking at the keyboard. Like you can make eye contact and still type the whole time. (<–

The best story I read this week: Robot Aliens

This is a truly fresh idea that reframes my entire outlook on the distant future: See my annotations on that story via Genius. But the gist is: – earthly intelligence developed pretty fast (millions of years) – from becoming

The best story I read this week: Robot Aliens

This is a truly fresh idea that reframes my entire outlook on the distant future: See my annotations on that story via Genius. But the gist is: – earthly intelligence developed pretty fast (millions of years) – from becoming

What I said to hypnotize 500 people one time

The time I hypnotized 500 people — Amol Sarva (@amol) June 16, 2014 You can watch the video on this post. Here is the script I used:   WELCOME   Thank you for coming   Expressing your interest and enthusiasm

What I said to hypnotize 500 people one time

The time I hypnotized 500 people — Amol Sarva (@amol) June 16, 2014 You can watch the video on this post. Here is the script I used:   WELCOME   Thank you for coming   Expressing your interest and enthusiasm

Tips and learnings about launching things.

I wrote it up on Medium. We learned a bunch from launching our app a few different ways the last six months. Find out what so you can profit (pr0fit).

Tips and learnings about launching things.

I wrote it up on Medium. We learned a bunch from launching our app a few different ways the last six months. Find out what so you can profit (pr0fit).

Cliches to use when raising money

People say this, below! If you are more modest then what’s wrong with your deal? If you are the same, feels fake. If you are more subtle but manage the same idea, perhaps you are sincere. — X who started

Cliches to use when raising money

People say this, below! If you are more modest then what’s wrong with your deal? If you are the same, feels fake. If you are more subtle but manage the same idea, perhaps you are sincere. — X who started