Coding in school: 1986 redux

They taught me LOGO in 1986 in grade 3. The shame is they didn’t teach everyone. I guess they are starting now. Though people have it completely wrong when they focus only on jobs. It’s like teaching physics — it

Coding in school: 1986 redux

They taught me LOGO in 1986 in grade 3. The shame is they didn’t teach everyone. I guess they are starting now. Though people have it completely wrong when they focus only on jobs. It’s like teaching physics — it

How I do everything

Hey there You hear from me when I have something exciting to share. This spring there have been a few big ones: Q is for Queens, Gramofon, Halo Neuroscience. The core of all this work, which people do ask me

How I do everything

Hey there You hear from me when I have something exciting to share. This spring there have been a few big ones: Q is for Queens, Gramofon, Halo Neuroscience. The core of all this work, which people do ask me

Famous autoresponders: Kima Edition

Famous autoresponders: Kima Edition

Things to be grateful for today, the day we launched Knotable

1. The servers did not crash more than 2 times 2. The write up by Mike Butcher on Techcrunch was masterful, accurate, insightful, true. Really just a gift. 3. Lots of people are signing up 4. We don’t have to

Things to be grateful for today, the day we launched Knotable

1. The servers did not crash more than 2 times 2. The write up by Mike Butcher on Techcrunch was masterful, accurate, insightful, true. Really just a gift. 3. Lots of people are signing up 4. We don’t have to

Don’t launch. Hire your customers.

Don’t launch. Hire your customers.

Streaming and sharing utopia

“Property is theft” said Proudhon, a French anarchist from the 18th century (I think). Awesome line. I guess he means we should all share it. When I read that line I had far fewer CDs than I wanted and couldn’t

Streaming and sharing utopia

“Property is theft” said Proudhon, a French anarchist from the 18th century (I think). Awesome line. I guess he means we should all share it. When I read that line I had far fewer CDs than I wanted and couldn’t

Where are the social networks when you need them?

I remember the euphoria well in 2009 when Twitter and SMS and Facebook and Viber “helped bring down governments” in Egypt and Libya and Tunisia and almost in Iran. Open networks are forces of democracy, people would say. (Not me.)

Where are the social networks when you need them?

I remember the euphoria well in 2009 when Twitter and SMS and Facebook and Viber “helped bring down governments” in Egypt and Libya and Tunisia and almost in Iran. Open networks are forces of democracy, people would say. (Not me.)

Posts per month

46- Feb. All time high visitors. 32- March. Visitors down 30% 19- April. Visitors down 30% again. Linear!

Posts per month

46- Feb. All time high visitors. 32- March. Visitors down 30% 19- April. Visitors down 30% again. Linear!