40 books I liked last year or prior

Sometimes when I read something and get really into it, I take some pictures of good bits.

Here are 40 titles where I did that last year or prior.

Reading Highlights 2017 2018 – Google Drive

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– Stephen King on Writing
– Heifetz on leadership in adversity
– some SEAL on how they do their thing
– Taichi Ohno on making Toyota work
– A journalist who embedded at Apple in 2000ish
– Marshall McLuhan on the media of today (written in the 70s)
– Andy Grove’s classic
– UCB founder Del Close on Comedy
– How Napoleon did it
– NYT critic Kakutani on the death of truth (blame Derrida)
– Alinsky and Gans on how to make a movement
– Clausewitz
– Susan Sontag on Photography (so good, re-reading…)