Being creative. Does it come naturally? The answe…

Being creative. Does it come naturally?

The answer is no.

Obviously. Though: your behavior and concerns matter a lot.

Example. I usually find the subway ride to be an awesome time of each day. Like a mini flight, the Internet is mostly not available. So I come up with tons of interesting ideas and write notes or emails to start acting on them. This post for example is happening between 34th and 14th.

The last few weeks, we have had tons of problems related to cold-weather in some of my properties. So I have been really preoccupied with those. Even though I can’t act on them when I’m in the subway.

And yet, no good ideas. The hangover of all the annoying and difficult tasks suppresses creative ideas.

Today though, I’m back. We are hatching some crazy schemes for a conference about work.

So being productive and creative requires time and space.

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