Category Archives: Posts

What role should the Fire Department play in New York?
(Now that fatalities and incidents are a fraction of what they ever were.)

What role should the Fire Department play in New York?
(Now that fatalities and incidents are a fraction of what they ever were.)

The New York Public Library’s Riches
10,000 square foot lot on 5th Ave and 40th Street. That corner could be 40 stories tall. It’s worth oh say $400,000,000.

The New York Public Library’s Riches
10,000 square foot lot on 5th Ave and 40th Street. That corner could be 40 stories tall. It’s worth oh say $400,000,000.

Artist Talk, Critic Talk
When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine. – Picasso VC talk vs. Founder talk is similar.

Artist Talk, Critic Talk
When art critics get together they talk about Form and Structure and Meaning. When artists get together they talk about where you can buy cheap turpentine. – Picasso VC talk vs. Founder talk is similar.

The relation of Big Companies to Startups
Startups are a way to address a certain kind of business opportunity, and they work with certain ingredients. They produce certain types of outcomes. What opportunities? – Startups find a product-market fit. So a tech and market where PMF is

The relation of Big Companies to Startups
Startups are a way to address a certain kind of business opportunity, and they work with certain ingredients. They produce certain types of outcomes. What opportunities? – Startups find a product-market fit. So a tech and market where PMF is

Having a Strategy, via “Disruption is not a strategy” from @ganeumann
Gerry Neumann has some nice things to say about disruption and also strategy — I don’t think he is always right on “no disruption in biotech”. People do make new markets (eg the great Phil Satow’s work on depression,

Having a Strategy, via “Disruption is not a strategy” from @ganeumann
Gerry Neumann has some nice things to say about disruption and also strategy — I don’t think he is always right on “no disruption in biotech”. People do make new markets (eg the great Phil Satow’s work on depression,

Titles I enjoyed this month
Story by McKee is clearly the most important. But some other nice works — Rifkin, Streetfight, Seventh Sense, Hawking.

Titles I enjoyed this month
Story by McKee is clearly the most important. But some other nice works — Rifkin, Streetfight, Seventh Sense, Hawking.

Innovation rhymes.
Internet of… Things. (All the rage) What about, internet of… brings, clings, dings, flings, kings, pings, rings, singh’s, sings, slings, spring’s, stings, strings, swings, wings, wrings

Innovation rhymes.
Internet of… Things. (All the rage) What about, internet of… brings, clings, dings, flings, kings, pings, rings, singh’s, sings, slings, spring’s, stings, strings, swings, wings, wrings

Things I learned from Stephen Hawking (tldr of Brief History of Time)
Popular book but they say it’s not widely read. As a teenager I bonked out in the first forty pages too. Not this…time. Memorable opener — “it’s turtles all the way down!” (What to say to resist science with an

Things I learned from Stephen Hawking (tldr of Brief History of Time)
Popular book but they say it’s not widely read. As a teenager I bonked out in the first forty pages too. Not this…time. Memorable opener — “it’s turtles all the way down!” (What to say to resist science with an

Is inequality increasing? #techonomynyc
Here’s a great point from Arun Sundararajan of NYU: Economic measures seem to be missing productivity gains from tech, since they measure only dollars but not quality of experience (iPhone vs Blackberry). Here is the interesting point: Increasing income inequality

Is inequality increasing? #techonomynyc
Here’s a great point from Arun Sundararajan of NYU: Economic measures seem to be missing productivity gains from tech, since they measure only dollars but not quality of experience (iPhone vs Blackberry). Here is the interesting point: Increasing income inequality

The Amazing 36 Hours @Knotel recently
These artists and curators took over Knotel Houston recently. (that’s a giant shoelace) The documentary film at

The Amazing 36 Hours @Knotel recently
These artists and curators took over Knotel Houston recently. (that’s a giant shoelace) The documentary film at
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