Food and health dashboard.

There should be one of these. Here is mine.


Beef Dangerous (overview, famous study, paper)
Processed meat (sausage, bacon) Dangerous (paper
MSG Fine, debunked
Gluten Fine (overview)
Unsaturated fats (plant) Fine
Saturated fats Not good (overview)
Trans fats Super bad
Butter vs margarine Not clear (overview)
Chicken or pork Minimize
Soy beans, oil, tofu Fine
Peanut allergies

Really rising, (environmental causes)

Just kidding

Need to look into this one

Hard to say the risk (overview)

You are probably eating too many (report)
Glycemic index

In isolation, not a driver (report, paper). In a real-world diet, seems bad (paper.)
Plant-based, “real food”, not processed

Where the action is these days (credit: Pollan’s 2009 book)