What makes immigration go up or down in America?
tldr: Not the president or their policy. Compare: GDP vs Immigration First chart from the NY Times Second one by me, based on US BLS
What makes immigration go up or down in America?
tldr: Not the president or their policy. Compare: GDP vs Immigration First chart from the NY Times Second one by me, based on US BLS
Videos and interviews with me the last year or so, one stop shop
Video interviews, talks and news items about Knotel or me: The Real Deal: Knotel’s Amol Sarva on the future of office space and his rivalry with WeWork PBS Newshour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHrvqju21H8 Bloomberg: Knotel CEO Says Company Plans to Expand Internationally Club Globals:
Videos and interviews with me the last year or so, one stop shop
Video interviews, talks and news items about Knotel or me: The Real Deal: Knotel’s Amol Sarva on the future of office space and his rivalry with WeWork PBS Newshour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHrvqju21H8 Bloomberg: Knotel CEO Says Company Plans to Expand Internationally Club Globals:
Blogging is back
Chris Dixon just posted on cdixon.org Last post on Medium: July 2017 The last blog post: 2015
Blogging is back
Chris Dixon just posted on cdixon.org Last post on Medium: July 2017 The last blog post: 2015
Marks, the Macro, and Cycles
Tren Griffin reviews the new Howard Marks book about market cycles here. Tren reviews and summarizes lots of good ideas from smart people, and we use him in my Columbia class to overview on various topics for his annotated bibliography
Marks, the Macro, and Cycles
Tren Griffin reviews the new Howard Marks book about market cycles here. Tren reviews and summarizes lots of good ideas from smart people, and we use him in my Columbia class to overview on various topics for his annotated bibliography
The Grave Dancing Music
2017 Marks pointed out some worries back in mid-2017. Weird features of the market: the Vision fund; the run up in Apple, Netflix, Google, Amazon, Facebook stocks; the run up in the stock market generally; automated investing via passive index
The Grave Dancing Music
2017 Marks pointed out some worries back in mid-2017. Weird features of the market: the Vision fund; the run up in Apple, Netflix, Google, Amazon, Facebook stocks; the run up in the stock market generally; automated investing via passive index
Some unreads have built up. Now is the time to tackle them.
Been traveling. Just back. Slept well. Now for my unreads. The time is 8:38am. Work account status: First move: Marked some read without reading: 18 Now working through the other 18, some requiring unsub, and some requiring detailed followups, time
Some unreads have built up. Now is the time to tackle them.
Been traveling. Just back. Slept well. Now for my unreads. The time is 8:38am. Work account status: First move: Marked some read without reading: 18 Now working through the other 18, some requiring unsub, and some requiring detailed followups, time
Ship While You Sleep v2
I’ve spent the last year with some assistants re-writing and expanding my *ahem* popular book Ship While You Sleep. The original is still up here — http://science.knote.com/ship But the new draft is available for comment and review as a Google
Ship While You Sleep v2
I’ve spent the last year with some assistants re-writing and expanding my *ahem* popular book Ship While You Sleep. The original is still up here — http://science.knote.com/ship But the new draft is available for comment and review as a Google
The idea of (moral) progress
I have read and written quite a bit about “the idea of progress” the last 8 months and here it is in a new form: moral progress. The “idea of progress” literature is about whether progress is a thing. Time
The idea of (moral) progress
I have read and written quite a bit about “the idea of progress” the last 8 months and here it is in a new form: moral progress. The “idea of progress” literature is about whether progress is a thing. Time
Financial Times: Knotel Overtakes…someone
Knotel overtakes WeWork in number of New York sites Rocket Internet-backed start-up aims to exceed rival in terms of square feet next year Knotel has 70 locations versus WeWork’s 48 in New York City © Reuters A Rocket Internet-backed rival
Financial Times: Knotel Overtakes…someone
Knotel overtakes WeWork in number of New York sites Rocket Internet-backed start-up aims to exceed rival in terms of square feet next year Knotel has 70 locations versus WeWork’s 48 in New York City © Reuters A Rocket Internet-backed rival
WSJ on Knotel: London’s Shadow Crash shows how Grave Dancing Works
New York Real Estate Firm Sees Big Opportunity in Brexit-Rattled London Office Market Shared-office-space startup Knotel Inc. plans to add several London locations this month Knotel Chief Executive Amol Sarva said the firm plans to scale up sharply in Europe,
WSJ on Knotel: London’s Shadow Crash shows how Grave Dancing Works
New York Real Estate Firm Sees Big Opportunity in Brexit-Rattled London Office Market Shared-office-space startup Knotel Inc. plans to add several London locations this month Knotel Chief Executive Amol Sarva said the firm plans to scale up sharply in Europe,
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