On cold intros and “can I pick your brain?” via Seneca

A very bad way to get my attention is the modern “informational interview” request. That is “you seem knowledgeable; can we meet so I can learn something from you?” One cruel response I gave to this once was “That would

On cold intros and “can I pick your brain?” via Seneca

A very bad way to get my attention is the modern “informational interview” request. That is “you seem knowledgeable; can we meet so I can learn something from you?” One cruel response I gave to this once was “That would

What to do about…male/female mix of my network: 80/20

I noticed in December that my personal network is 80/20 male/female. And I did a few posts on this recently that people engaged on 20x the normal post engagement for me: This: Knotel = fast-growing technology-driven operator of flexible office.

What to do about…male/female mix of my network: 80/20

I noticed in December that my personal network is 80/20 male/female. And I did a few posts on this recently that people engaged on 20x the normal post engagement for me: This: Knotel = fast-growing technology-driven operator of flexible office.

Crypto and Currency Markets

It is worth studying the Scriptures for in them you shall find eternal truth. Or at least page 174 and following of this classic book and the story of the British pound. https://archive.org/stream/BusinessAdventuresTwelveJohnBrooks113/Business-Adventures_-Twelve-John-Brooks-1%20%2813%29#page/n173/mode/1up

Crypto and Currency Markets

It is worth studying the Scriptures for in them you shall find eternal truth. Or at least page 174 and following of this classic book and the story of the British pound. https://archive.org/stream/BusinessAdventuresTwelveJohnBrooks113/Business-Adventures_-Twelve-John-Brooks-1%20%2813%29#page/n173/mode/1up

Davos and DLD highlight

That’s my hero, Rose McGowan.

Davos and DLD highlight

That’s my hero, Rose McGowan.

Research program for a career in Academic Economics: Non-systems Connectionist Prediction Machines

Economics is all about models that predict things. Explanatory models. Math that describes why people do stuff through money and value. The big recent insights of the last decade’s Nobel Prize winners came from rethinking one actor in the systems

Research program for a career in Academic Economics: Non-systems Connectionist Prediction Machines

Economics is all about models that predict things. Explanatory models. Math that describes why people do stuff through money and value. The big recent insights of the last decade’s Nobel Prize winners came from rethinking one actor in the systems

Product idea / conference hack: lock screen business card

After spending time at DLD and Davos meeting hundreds of people I gave away no business cards. Nothing new there. But I also received far fewer than ever. And I finally saw one Innovation: a guy had a little printed

Product idea / conference hack: lock screen business card

After spending time at DLD and Davos meeting hundreds of people I gave away no business cards. Nothing new there. But I also received far fewer than ever. And I finally saw one Innovation: a guy had a little printed

Teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.

Apparently, this is how you get people to build a ship, says the author of the Little Prince, St. Exupery.

Teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.

Apparently, this is how you get people to build a ship, says the author of the Little Prince, St. Exupery.

The cure for everything

I know the cure for everything: Salt water…in one form or another: Sweat, tears or the sea.– The Deluge at Norderney, Seven Gothic Tales, 1934

The cure for everything

I know the cure for everything: Salt water…in one form or another: Sweat, tears or the sea.– The Deluge at Norderney, Seven Gothic Tales, 1934

Some readings from 2017 and 2016

Some books in my Amazon orders list from last year, which mostly I read of the last year or two. Danny Meyer on Service Disney on Service Leander Kahney – Inside Steve’s Brain Drucker, Effective Executive Six Thinking Hats, de

Some readings from 2017 and 2016

Some books in my Amazon orders list from last year, which mostly I read of the last year or two. Danny Meyer on Service Disney on Service Leander Kahney – Inside Steve’s Brain Drucker, Effective Executive Six Thinking Hats, de