Calendar spam reaches the next level

    Sometimes I like to post about neat product/tech things I notice. Like I discovered you can type on the iPhone without looking at the keyboard. Like you can make eye contact and still type the whole time. (<–

Calendar spam reaches the next level

    Sometimes I like to post about neat product/tech things I notice. Like I discovered you can type on the iPhone without looking at the keyboard. Like you can make eye contact and still type the whole time. (<–

The best story I read this week: Robot Aliens

This is a truly fresh idea that reframes my entire outlook on the distant future: See my annotations on that story via Genius. But the gist is: – earthly intelligence developed pretty fast (millions of years) – from becoming

The best story I read this week: Robot Aliens

This is a truly fresh idea that reframes my entire outlook on the distant future: See my annotations on that story via Genius. But the gist is: – earthly intelligence developed pretty fast (millions of years) – from becoming

What I said to hypnotize 500 people one time

The time I hypnotized 500 people — Amol Sarva (@amol) June 16, 2014 You can watch the video on this post. Here is the script I used:   WELCOME   Thank you for coming   Expressing your interest and enthusiasm

What I said to hypnotize 500 people one time

The time I hypnotized 500 people — Amol Sarva (@amol) June 16, 2014 You can watch the video on this post. Here is the script I used:   WELCOME   Thank you for coming   Expressing your interest and enthusiasm

Tips and learnings about launching things.

I wrote it up on Medium. We learned a bunch from launching our app a few different ways the last six months. Find out what so you can profit (pr0fit).

Tips and learnings about launching things.

I wrote it up on Medium. We learned a bunch from launching our app a few different ways the last six months. Find out what so you can profit (pr0fit).

Cliches to use when raising money

People say this, below! If you are more modest then what’s wrong with your deal? If you are the same, feels fake. If you are more subtle but manage the same idea, perhaps you are sincere. — X who started

Cliches to use when raising money

People say this, below! If you are more modest then what’s wrong with your deal? If you are the same, feels fake. If you are more subtle but manage the same idea, perhaps you are sincere. — X who started

The importance of product management, and some good posts about what it looks like.

Some famous posts on product management that are worth reading. They say: the PM is the CEO. It’s weird how often investors are said to be “engineers” but not “product managers”. The product is how it works, how it looks,

The importance of product management, and some good posts about what it looks like.

Some famous posts on product management that are worth reading. They say: the PM is the CEO. It’s weird how often investors are said to be “engineers” but not “product managers”. The product is how it works, how it looks,

Lead-gen vs. Transactional Marketplaces

You never get the same taxi driver. Uber hosts a transactional market. But a handyman is a hiring decision not a transaction. All the good marketplaces from Ebay to Amazon to Uber seem to help you do what retailers have

Lead-gen vs. Transactional Marketplaces

You never get the same taxi driver. Uber hosts a transactional market. But a handyman is a hiring decision not a transaction. All the good marketplaces from Ebay to Amazon to Uber seem to help you do what retailers have

Interesting measurements and party tricks to impress your friends. 

Some things people do when they get lost: – get to high elevation – try to walk in a straight line – create a base location and search the radius around it, returning to it frequently – stay in one

Interesting measurements and party tricks to impress your friends. 

Some things people do when they get lost: – get to high elevation – try to walk in a straight line – create a base location and search the radius around it, returning to it frequently – stay in one

This was my 7th grade science project

Study: A fascinating aspect of language looks to be biologically hardwired in our brains Quartz Does the Turkish word küçük (pronounced coo-chook) mean “big” or “small”? If you guessed the latter without knowing the language, you’re right—and there may be…

This was my 7th grade science project

Study: A fascinating aspect of language looks to be biologically hardwired in our brains Quartz Does the Turkish word küçük (pronounced coo-chook) mean “big” or “small”? If you guessed the latter without knowing the language, you’re right—and there may be…

Twitters problems in an image

Two screenshots. Facebook screen space is search, post, add friends, like. There is a whole menu tab about incoming friend requests. Twitter buries post, search, add/discover friends. QED Amol Sarva, Ph.D. // [email protected] // @amol // 530-727-8277 // Knotable //

Twitters problems in an image

Two screenshots. Facebook screen space is search, post, add friends, like. There is a whole menu tab about incoming friend requests. Twitter buries post, search, add/discover friends. QED Amol Sarva, Ph.D. // [email protected] // @amol // 530-727-8277 // Knotable //