Startup idea: smart notifs

A web API. An app publishes the alerts as for user to the API. The API is integrated with email, text, phone, chrome, slack, mobile notifications on iOS or android, back into the sending apps in the app notifs, and

Startup idea: smart notifs

A web API. An app publishes the alerts as for user to the API. The API is integrated with email, text, phone, chrome, slack, mobile notifications on iOS or android, back into the sending apps in the app notifs, and

Now live: K, the simplest way to communicate with a group

We released K today! Our Knotable iOS app for keeping in touch with a group. It’s the simplest possible way to keep in touch with a group. Say K and they can say K too. K app in iOS

Now live: K, the simplest way to communicate with a group

We released K today! Our Knotable iOS app for keeping in touch with a group. It’s the simplest possible way to keep in touch with a group. Say K and they can say K too. K app in iOS

“Apologies for the mass mail but…” / product ideas

Brewster and Humin are spamming the crap out of me on behalf of people who have my email. For these people the benefit is “update your contacts”. For me it is “let them have your mobile #”. I only unsubscribed

“Apologies for the mass mail but…” / product ideas

Brewster and Humin are spamming the crap out of me on behalf of people who have my email. For these people the benefit is “update your contacts”. For me it is “let them have your mobile #”. I only unsubscribed

Awesome product idea from Bloomberg

“Emails between staff members are marked with the time the employee entered the office, a measure that has been reinstated since Mr. Bloomberg returned and that some suspect is intended to encourage employees to arrive earlier (or to shame them

Awesome product idea from Bloomberg

“Emails between staff members are marked with the time the employee entered the office, a measure that has been reinstated since Mr. Bloomberg returned and that some suspect is intended to encourage employees to arrive earlier (or to shame them

What if snakes were telepathic, clairvoyant, massively coordinated…?

Networked at the speed of light. Gathering information from millions of sensors around the world. Sending ideas, decisions, feelings in every directions to thousands of different people per day. If snakes had that…we’d be impressed wouldn’t we? One of the

What if snakes were telepathic, clairvoyant, massively coordinated…?

Networked at the speed of light. Gathering information from millions of sensors around the world. Sending ideas, decisions, feelings in every directions to thousands of different people per day. If snakes had that…we’d be impressed wouldn’t we? One of the

What jobs will people have when robots can do the jobs we do now?

“The people are going to rise up way before the machines do” says Andrew McAfee and the MIT co. Tech makes owners of capital more powerful; makes labor less valuable. Will make everyone impoverished. So here is the thought experiment

What jobs will people have when robots can do the jobs we do now?

“The people are going to rise up way before the machines do” says Andrew McAfee and the MIT co. Tech makes owners of capital more powerful; makes labor less valuable. Will make everyone impoverished. So here is the thought experiment

Albert Wenger’s DLD talk: abundance and its consequences

Since everything will cost zero, and therefore we will have lots of everything… The talk and video here // My summary // Marginal cost to zero. That’s the trend Closed to open –> Linux, Creative Commons, Flickr cc, Khan Academy,

Albert Wenger’s DLD talk: abundance and its consequences

Since everything will cost zero, and therefore we will have lots of everything… The talk and video here // My summary // Marginal cost to zero. That’s the trend Closed to open –> Linux, Creative Commons, Flickr cc, Khan Academy,

The high ground in the Android wars

Xiaomi and Oneplus and the Chinese Androids are having a breathtaking impact. A year ago they had a pretty cheap, good Android clone. Now they have… A phone, tablet, mini tablet, fitness band, TV box, HDTV box, amazing headphones, and

The high ground in the Android wars

Xiaomi and Oneplus and the Chinese Androids are having a breathtaking impact. A year ago they had a pretty cheap, good Android clone. Now they have… A phone, tablet, mini tablet, fitness band, TV box, HDTV box, amazing headphones, and

Unchanging styles, or, “Will the Apple Store ever change?”, and, bravo @kurtanderson

This Vanity Fair piece from two years ago is still soooo true. It’s about how nothing much in our style culture has changed since roughly 1990. Still true. Go to the link to be convinced (bottom). Men’s fashion, music, movies,

Unchanging styles, or, “Will the Apple Store ever change?”, and, bravo @kurtanderson

This Vanity Fair piece from two years ago is still soooo true. It’s about how nothing much in our style culture has changed since roughly 1990. Still true. Go to the link to be convinced (bottom). Men’s fashion, music, movies,