Code As Cards the book
It’s almost done. Here is a draft. It tells you how to get leverage — do more with less without yourself turning into the lead engineer. You write english and get code out the other end. It’s an entire system

Code As Cards the book
It’s almost done. Here is a draft. It tells you how to get leverage — do more with less without yourself turning into the lead engineer. You write english and get code out the other end. It’s an entire system

How will learning work in the future?
future_of_reading-1.pdfSome things are easy to learn. Some are hard. For the latter, we need education. How will that work in the future? Alan Kay, the great inventor from XEROX PARC, on the future of reading and the future of learning

How will learning work in the future?
future_of_reading-1.pdfSome things are easy to learn. Some are hard. For the latter, we need education. How will that work in the future? Alan Kay, the great inventor from XEROX PARC, on the future of reading and the future of learning

How will learning work in the future?
The piece by Alan Kay — future_of_reading-1.pdf Some things are easy to learn. Some are hard. For the latter, we need education. How will that work in the future? Alan Kay, the great inventor from XEROX PARC, on the

How will learning work in the future?
The piece by Alan Kay — future_of_reading-1.pdf Some things are easy to learn. Some are hard. For the latter, we need education. How will that work in the future? Alan Kay, the great inventor from XEROX PARC, on the

Shorter “Yoga, Meditation and Vivekananda”
From this excellent piece a while back here http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303404704577305581227233656 JD Salinger was very into yoga and meditation, a main tool to combat depression and ultimately which led him to renounce fame and writing itself. He was a close follower of

Shorter “Yoga, Meditation and Vivekananda”
From this excellent piece a while back here http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303404704577305581227233656 JD Salinger was very into yoga and meditation, a main tool to combat depression and ultimately which led him to renounce fame and writing itself. He was a close follower of

Last minute culture
I wrote this post half a year ago and didn’t post it yet. It’s still so true. Even more true posted later than late. — Arriving in London today I don’t have a hotel for tonight. The plan is: find

Last minute culture
I wrote this post half a year ago and didn’t post it yet. It’s still so true. Even more true posted later than late. — Arriving in London today I don’t have a hotel for tonight. The plan is: find

It’s the most miserable time of the year…in startup land
Everybody runs out of money around the holidays. Don’t let it get to you.

It’s the most miserable time of the year…in startup land
Everybody runs out of money around the holidays. Don’t let it get to you.

Tl:dr of @paulg’s Smaller is Better “The Hi-Res Society”
A classic. Big orgs used to be the most advanced and progressive – military, IBM. Economies of scale. But now they aren’t. Wow, what a change. Starting a company was once taboo, but is now the main thing at Cal/Stanford,

Tl:dr of @paulg’s Smaller is Better “The Hi-Res Society”
A classic. Big orgs used to be the most advanced and progressive – military, IBM. Economies of scale. But now they aren’t. Wow, what a change. Starting a company was once taboo, but is now the main thing at Cal/Stanford,

Addendum re “Hiring is Obsolete” by @paulg
Since Paul Graham was talking about the best not the average undergrad, he ought to consider the competing options for them. He fairly judges grad schools as pretty attractive. He is wrong about elite employers though. Here is a stat

Addendum re “Hiring is Obsolete” by @paulg
Since Paul Graham was talking about the best not the average undergrad, he ought to consider the competing options for them. He fairly judges grad schools as pretty attractive. He is wrong about elite employers though. Here is a stat

Tl;dr of @paulg’s Hiring is Obsolete
A classic, but long. Ultrashort: star undergrads should start companies. The trends of startups, tech, labor markets, investing favor it and so does the risk-reward math. The argument step by step, but shorter: Startups are cheaper now so more can

Tl;dr of @paulg’s Hiring is Obsolete
A classic, but long. Ultrashort: star undergrads should start companies. The trends of startups, tech, labor markets, investing favor it and so does the risk-reward math. The argument step by step, but shorter: Startups are cheaper now so more can

tl;dr on New questions in mobile by @BenedictEvans
Apple-Google duopoly in mobile, neither vanquished. Apple gets profits, Google gets market share. “New” questions. 1. What Android OEM will win/survive? [I think this is an old q] 2. Given forking and unimportance of Maps and Google app store, is

tl;dr on New questions in mobile by @BenedictEvans
Apple-Google duopoly in mobile, neither vanquished. Apple gets profits, Google gets market share. “New” questions. 1. What Android OEM will win/survive? [I think this is an old q] 2. Given forking and unimportance of Maps and Google app store, is
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