A great old post on how to be startup talent

http://www.drownout.com/blogdrwn/2011/12/managing_startup_talent_and_be.html Thanks to John Gannon for the pickup

A great old post on how to be startup talent

http://www.drownout.com/blogdrwn/2011/12/managing_startup_talent_and_be.html Thanks to John Gannon for the pickup

Investing fast and slow

Spray and pray resembles modern financial  market operation. I think it is a forward movement in the way seed and VC work. Software, math, algos, networks, information. Think fast. Invest fast.  However,  there is a slow model and IT TOO

Investing fast and slow

Spray and pray resembles modern financial  market operation. I think it is a forward movement in the way seed and VC work. Software, math, algos, networks, information. Think fast. Invest fast.  However,  there is a slow model and IT TOO

New York: “Staggering”

Non-NY investor to me: – NY deals in venture are massive velocity. As big as London and London “is most of europe” – But NY firms are not proportionate – many foreign investors (SF, Boston) and many non-VCs like angels

New York: “Staggering”

Non-NY investor to me: – NY deals in venture are massive velocity. As big as London and London “is most of europe” – But NY firms are not proportionate – many foreign investors (SF, Boston) and many non-VCs like angels

Modern marvels in Spring.

Dear friends, What you see above is a little bag of purple rings, featuring a small sculpture of my head. Modern times are amazing and I want to share with you **three aspects** of what has amazed me as Spring

Modern marvels in Spring.

Dear friends, What you see above is a little bag of purple rings, featuring a small sculpture of my head. Modern times are amazing and I want to share with you **three aspects** of what has amazed me as Spring

The feeling of inside knowledge

The internet is amazing in how it makes information available. Insider, exclusive, hot tips from the tastemakers of Silicon Valley are published all day long on Techcrunch. Any avid student can read the latest trends, the tips on how to

The feeling of inside knowledge

The internet is amazing in how it makes information available. Insider, exclusive, hot tips from the tastemakers of Silicon Valley are published all day long on Techcrunch. Any avid student can read the latest trends, the tips on how to

Investments that work out @davidblerner

Such are highly gratifying. And this one even promises to give me some good book-jacket material. Columbia-sourced deal through Cfund.co in fact. And advocated by David Lerner from early.

Investments that work out @davidblerner

Such are highly gratifying. And this one even promises to give me some good book-jacket material. Columbia-sourced deal through Cfund.co in fact. And advocated by David Lerner from early.

Facebook: Killing email!!!

2007: my friends don’t email anymore, they use facebook (web hipster) http://www.mappingtheweb.com/2007/07/11/facebook-email/ 2009: Email is dying (wsj, jessica lessin) http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052970203803904574431151489408372 2010: Facebook replacing your email (cnn, cashmore) http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/social.media/11/11/cashmore.facebook.email/ 2010: data shows email dying (Pew) http://socialtimes.com/facebook-twitter-email_b2040 2014: Facebook kills…its email product

Facebook: Killing email!!!

2007: my friends don’t email anymore, they use facebook (web hipster) http://www.mappingtheweb.com/2007/07/11/facebook-email/ 2009: Email is dying (wsj, jessica lessin) http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052970203803904574431151489408372 2010: Facebook replacing your email (cnn, cashmore) http://www.cnn.com/2010/TECH/social.media/11/11/cashmore.facebook.email/ 2010: data shows email dying (Pew) http://socialtimes.com/facebook-twitter-email_b2040 2014: Facebook kills…its email product

First Gramofons available

A year ago my friend asked my help in making this. We have taken the wraps off the new cloud jukebox from Fon: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fon/gramofon-modern-cloud-jukebox The first few are available to Kickstarter backers. You will be able to stream your Spotify

First Gramofons available

A year ago my friend asked my help in making this. We have taken the wraps off the new cloud jukebox from Fon: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fon/gramofon-modern-cloud-jukebox The first few are available to Kickstarter backers. You will be able to stream your Spotify

The power of TV

Startups often dream about “oh when we raise the money we will be able to buy on TV, and that will catalyze performance” The reason you don’t know any startups who do this – really, no startups, is that it

The power of TV

Startups often dream about “oh when we raise the money we will be able to buy on TV, and that will catalyze performance” The reason you don’t know any startups who do this – really, no startups, is that it

Trends Fred Wilson missed this week

Totemic post by Fred Wilson this week announcing the end of the mobile app era and the new reigning monarch: blockchain.  Much discussed by all and partly for its remarkable clarity of themes: social era 2004 fund, mobile/social 2008 fund,

Trends Fred Wilson missed this week

Totemic post by Fred Wilson this week announcing the end of the mobile app era and the new reigning monarch: blockchain.  Much discussed by all and partly for its remarkable clarity of themes: social era 2004 fund, mobile/social 2008 fund,