NYC as startup hub
In my office on Monday were – former intern for Shana Fisher at IAC and part-timer for Etsy alumni startup in Brooklyn – Rapgenius early team and Google Reader superfan – guy who made Hulu running his own new thing

NYC as startup hub
In my office on Monday were – former intern for Shana Fisher at IAC and part-timer for Etsy alumni startup in Brooklyn – Rapgenius early team and Google Reader superfan – guy who made Hulu running his own new thing

When to know you failed
As John Burroughs said, “A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

When to know you failed
As John Burroughs said, “A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.”

The overnight success of Spotify
Founded 2006 Aug Launch May 2007 1mm listener users 2009 1mm subscribers 2011

The overnight success of Spotify
Founded 2006 Aug Launch May 2007 1mm listener users 2009 1mm subscribers 2011

Beginner’s mistakes for product managers
I remember when I was a sucker… I recently watched this exact cycle. Don’t repeat it yourself. 1. Hmm, this product is exciting. It would be so great if it did X. Add that. 2. Oh, man this isn’t working.

Beginner’s mistakes for product managers
I remember when I was a sucker… I recently watched this exact cycle. Don’t repeat it yourself. 1. Hmm, this product is exciting. It would be so great if it did X. Add that. 2. Oh, man this isn’t working.

Molto for iOS
This mail app is gorgeous. It has so many things right with it. Reading mails, seeing who wrote them, organizing them with swipes. But like so many mail apps, one flaw kills it. In this case it is composing emails.

Molto for iOS
This mail app is gorgeous. It has so many things right with it. Reading mails, seeing who wrote them, organizing them with swipes. But like so many mail apps, one flaw kills it. In this case it is composing emails.

The word the
Everyone is a consumer marketer, just like everyone is a product designer, because everyone receives marketing and uses products. Of course this is completely wrong. For example, the word the. We say the. We say the iPhone. We say the

The word the
Everyone is a consumer marketer, just like everyone is a product designer, because everyone receives marketing and uses products. Of course this is completely wrong. For example, the word the. We say the. We say the iPhone. We say the

Suckiness of Google Now
It does suck indeed. It literally does nothing besides weather and local sports and homework traffic. Not well. http://gigaom.com/2014/03/29/why-its-time-for-google-to-fix-google-now/ The question though is whyyyyy? They have all my emails. They know what’s up. Trips, packages, savings from receipts, restaurant bookings,

Suckiness of Google Now
It does suck indeed. It literally does nothing besides weather and local sports and homework traffic. Not well. http://gigaom.com/2014/03/29/why-its-time-for-google-to-fix-google-now/ The question though is whyyyyy? They have all my emails. They know what’s up. Trips, packages, savings from receipts, restaurant bookings,

Working and happiness, children and happiness
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/opinion/sunday/coontz-the-triumph-of-the-working-mother.html?_r=0 People are surprised that as feminism succeeds in getting women into work, they report lower happiness. Also: people with kids are less happy, eg, this overview http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/14/living/parents-happiness-child-free-studies/ The question on both topics is “are pleasure, happiness and satisfaction different

Working and happiness, children and happiness
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/02/opinion/sunday/coontz-the-triumph-of-the-working-mother.html?_r=0 People are surprised that as feminism succeeds in getting women into work, they report lower happiness. Also: people with kids are less happy, eg, this overview http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/14/living/parents-happiness-child-free-studies/ The question on both topics is “are pleasure, happiness and satisfaction different

The best easy ways to write content and publish
I also love pen.io (which is too simple – hard to use actually) and I like exposure.so which is really visual and cool

The best easy ways to write content and publish
I also love pen.io (which is too simple – hard to use actually) and I like exposure.so which is really visual and cool

Why Are Women So Unhappy?
That’s a headline women love to read about. Of course society is set up to make women miserable…the question is how exactly to undo it! A discussion of this — triggered by the “women report lower happiness now than 1970,

Why Are Women So Unhappy?
That’s a headline women love to read about. Of course society is set up to make women miserable…the question is how exactly to undo it! A discussion of this — triggered by the “women report lower happiness now than 1970,
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