Entrepreneurial types

Here are three types: One. The midcareer dropout. + knows an industry well – probably risk averse. That’s why it took a long time – so expensive as a result – and doesn’t know how to do things cheap/seat of

Entrepreneurial types

Here are three types: One. The midcareer dropout. + knows an industry well – probably risk averse. That’s why it took a long time – so expensive as a result – and doesn’t know how to do things cheap/seat of

Patterns in Student Startups

Here is what I see when I go to “judge” these student startup things. Patterns. Patterns are everywhere. And here they are: 1. Why should the user start? Lots of these start with “Wouldn’t this user-generated, network-juiced resource be awesome?”

Patterns in Student Startups

Here is what I see when I go to “judge” these student startup things. Patterns. Patterns are everywhere. And here they are: 1. Why should the user start? Lots of these start with “Wouldn’t this user-generated, network-juiced resource be awesome?”

My first newsletter

Just sent. If you want to know what kind of stuff I post…you’ll have to get on it. Here is where you sign up

My first newsletter

Just sent. If you want to know what kind of stuff I post…you’ll have to get on it. Here is where you sign up

Everyday Low Profits

Wal-Mart has a pricing strategy called Everyday Low Prices. They don’t discount, they just sell for less. You learn this, and you only shop there. Amazon does the same on prices. But they also do the same on PROFITS. http://ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2014/2/11/the-amazon-rorschach-blot#comment-1248096681

Everyday Low Profits

Wal-Mart has a pricing strategy called Everyday Low Prices. They don’t discount, they just sell for less. You learn this, and you only shop there. Amazon does the same on prices. But they also do the same on PROFITS. http://ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2014/2/11/the-amazon-rorschach-blot#comment-1248096681

Amol’s reading of Benedict’s Mobile newsletter

If you don’t read Benedict Evans, you should start here ( http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=b98e2de85f03865f1d38de74f&id=5c44af77ba&e=a90f420a9c ) And now, my reading of his snippets: Nokia to fork Android for low-end phones — Android has replaced featurephones. So if you want to play in low-end

Amol’s reading of Benedict’s Mobile newsletter

If you don’t read Benedict Evans, you should start here ( http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=b98e2de85f03865f1d38de74f&id=5c44af77ba&e=a90f420a9c ) And now, my reading of his snippets: Nokia to fork Android for low-end phones — Android has replaced featurephones. So if you want to play in low-end

Pet peeve: Emails that say…

Seriously annoying emails: a) have no content in the email. E.g., Pleased to meet you. Please see attached PDF describing my company. b) have lots of content in the email. E.g., 16 lines of biography. Don’t do it!

Pet peeve: Emails that say…

Seriously annoying emails: a) have no content in the email. E.g., Pleased to meet you. Please see attached PDF describing my company. b) have lots of content in the email. E.g., 16 lines of biography. Don’t do it!

Consensus. Fight or Flight?

Working on a couple of investments recently. A big advantage is I know so many of the relevant people. Five emails, answers back. Boom. On one in particular, everyone is saying the same thing. I kind of feel differently, but

Consensus. Fight or Flight?

Working on a couple of investments recently. A big advantage is I know so many of the relevant people. Five emails, answers back. Boom. On one in particular, everyone is saying the same thing. I kind of feel differently, but

Netflix on the subway

Extensive discussion among the most price sensitive, least intellectual people you will find anywhere. They are all watching shows on Netflix. Not cable or air. (On free trials they somehow recycle.)

Netflix on the subway

Extensive discussion among the most price sensitive, least intellectual people you will find anywhere. They are all watching shows on Netflix. Not cable or air. (On free trials they somehow recycle.)

The worst perfume

“Bad to fund when you feel the team is bad at fundraising, as you’ll have to fund again and again just by yourself.” Wisdom. (for investors) Death sentence. (for struggling founders)

The worst perfume

“Bad to fund when you feel the team is bad at fundraising, as you’ll have to fund again and again just by yourself.” Wisdom. (for investors) Death sentence. (for struggling founders)