Lessons from growth hacking my blog

The numbers are up a lot. I have been blogging about 10 years, maybe like 12. Nobody has ever really read my writing. The last 2 years I changed some stuff. 1. Started posting only about building companies. My blog

Lessons from growth hacking my blog

The numbers are up a lot. I have been blogging about 10 years, maybe like 12. Nobody has ever really read my writing. The last 2 years I changed some stuff. 1. Started posting only about building companies. My blog

Feature creep update

Great post from @cdixon a while back (4 years ago?) Google was getting very bloated http://cdixon.org/2009/12/17/googles-feature-creep/ Since then, it has gotten a lot better. Well the search page at least.

Feature creep update

Great post from @cdixon a while back (4 years ago?) Google was getting very bloated http://cdixon.org/2009/12/17/googles-feature-creep/ Since then, it has gotten a lot better. Well the search page at least.


I think that’s the name. For what? For this system I’ve been developing the last 2 years and running at Knotable. I’ve evangelized it widely and several folks I know are using it for sure. A good buddy called it


I think that’s the name. For what? For this system I’ve been developing the last 2 years and running at Knotable. I’ve evangelized it widely and several folks I know are using it for sure. A good buddy called it


“You got a lotta nerve to say you gotta helping hand to lend. You just want to be on the side that’s winning” – Bob Dylan, Positively 4th Street


“You got a lotta nerve to say you gotta helping hand to lend. You just want to be on the side that’s winning” – Bob Dylan, Positively 4th Street

Why attachments suck

Links too. If you want to deal with someone, say the message in the message. If you don’t (“see attached”) then I suspect 1/3 worse conversion rate on loose connections you are trying to convert to an action. For different

Why attachments suck

Links too. If you want to deal with someone, say the message in the message. If you don’t (“see attached”) then I suspect 1/3 worse conversion rate on loose connections you are trying to convert to an action. For different

Product idea: search only API to ME

Ping API or enter query in box. Result? Yes or no. Has Amol been to Coupa Cafe? Yes There now? No There 12 hours ago? Yes Does he know Eviltomthai? Yes What’s Toms number? Xyz (maybe)

Product idea: search only API to ME

Ping API or enter query in box. Result? Yes or no. Has Amol been to Coupa Cafe? Yes There now? No There 12 hours ago? Yes Does he know Eviltomthai? Yes What’s Toms number? Xyz (maybe)

About the Nest deal, the SF view

Google got a bargain. For $3b, they bought…Apple.

About the Nest deal, the SF view

Google got a bargain. For $3b, they bought…Apple.

Founder update emails

You should send one monthly to your investors and advisors. There is an established template that most people use. It should say What happened this month Some links / things to tell the world on our behalf How you can

Founder update emails

You should send one monthly to your investors and advisors. There is an established template that most people use. It should say What happened this month Some links / things to tell the world on our behalf How you can

Listicles and Quizzes

“Remember that NYT quiz about accents from a while back?” A quiz that showered little tidbits of insight on you. Or, a listicle. Quizzes are listicles. Useful, memorable, short –> viral.

Listicles and Quizzes

“Remember that NYT quiz about accents from a while back?” A quiz that showered little tidbits of insight on you. Or, a listicle. Quizzes are listicles. Useful, memorable, short –> viral.

Jonny Ive Style Hiring

Hire 10 people. Give them 15 hours. All the same assignment. Assess the end product. Hire or don’t.

Jonny Ive Style Hiring

Hire 10 people. Give them 15 hours. All the same assignment. Assess the end product. Hire or don’t.