My Profile

Pretty accurate I think. Though I’m afraid it reads a bit like “Wall St d-bag” also. Innovative, Competitive, Driven, Energetic, Discoverer, Conceptual Thinker

My Profile

Pretty accurate I think. Though I’m afraid it reads a bit like “Wall St d-bag” also. Innovative, Competitive, Driven, Energetic, Discoverer, Conceptual Thinker

Consumer startups

The Melt grilled cheese shop Chobani VitaminWater Snapcandy Oceans Halo seaweed chips Qtonic Blue Bottle coffee

Consumer startups

The Melt grilled cheese shop Chobani VitaminWater Snapcandy Oceans Halo seaweed chips Qtonic Blue Bottle coffee

High leverage individuals

Via Michael Shim and of course Max Levchin. Look it up.

High leverage individuals

Via Michael Shim and of course Max Levchin. Look it up.

Untitled <-- this should die

Oooonce upon a time software designers thought things should be “untitled” until titled. Not so long ago really, post Apple II era, post Microsoft Word. E.g., Flickr is uploading some pictures for me right now and labeling them all untitled.

Untitled <-- this should die

Oooonce upon a time software designers thought things should be “untitled” until titled. Not so long ago really, post Apple II era, post Microsoft Word. E.g., Flickr is uploading some pictures for me right now and labeling them all untitled.

Comebacks: Nintendo?

Nobody could care less about some of these once-proud champions: Microsoft, Dell, Garmin, Nokia, Sony. But what about Nintendo? Everybody loved Nintendo once. And it’s not like Nintendo got carried away by excess, greed, hubris, etc. They were the champs

Comebacks: Nintendo?

Nobody could care less about some of these once-proud champions: Microsoft, Dell, Garmin, Nokia, Sony. But what about Nintendo? Everybody loved Nintendo once. And it’s not like Nintendo got carried away by excess, greed, hubris, etc. They were the champs

Certain advice

If Buzzfeed is for crazy goats and Huffpo for outrage, the personal techie blog seems to be about really really definitive advice from 24 year olds. I guess it gets clicks, but it’s annoying. “Why I never X” or “Always

Certain advice

If Buzzfeed is for crazy goats and Huffpo for outrage, the personal techie blog seems to be about really really definitive advice from 24 year olds. I guess it gets clicks, but it’s annoying. “Why I never X” or “Always

Yes, yes, yes, and yes. We use these things:

Some of these building blocks are snippets of code that can be copied free from the internet, along with easy-to-learn programming frameworks (such as Ruby on Rails). Others are services for finding developers (eLance, oDesk), sharing code (GitHub) and testing

Yes, yes, yes, and yes. We use these things:

Some of these building blocks are snippets of code that can be copied free from the internet, along with easy-to-learn programming frameworks (such as Ruby on Rails). Others are services for finding developers (eLance, oDesk), sharing code (GitHub) and testing

Someone shared a video with you on Vimeo

Hi! wants to share a Vimeo page with you: Really way to do words in visuals.

Someone shared a video with you on Vimeo

Hi! wants to share a Vimeo page with you: Really way to do words in visuals.

Use of proceeds

Probably the only use of proceeds you put on page 1 of a 1 page fundraising deck: “need money for more amazon servers” Seems every other reason to need money is a problem in modern tech land: – more people

Use of proceeds

Probably the only use of proceeds you put on page 1 of a 1 page fundraising deck: “need money for more amazon servers” Seems every other reason to need money is a problem in modern tech land: – more people

Not to be melodramatic or anything

But holy shit Knotable works!!!!!!!!!! What an extraordinary and satisfying feeling.

Not to be melodramatic or anything

But holy shit Knotable works!!!!!!!!!! What an extraordinary and satisfying feeling.