Trends Fred Wilson missed this week

Totemic post by Fred Wilson this week announcing the end of the mobile app era and the new reigning monarch: blockchain. 

Much discussed by all and partly for its remarkable clarity of themes: social era 2004 fund, mobile/social 2008 fund, “late stage” 2012 fund and the hypothesis that future is blockchain. 
Surely Facebook/Twitter are the monsters of the pre-2008 cycle. And maybe Whatsapp (Instagram, Snapchat?) defines companies since?

This timing seems wrong though right? Those mega mobile deal are last 3 years, a period when USV has been doing awesome but not the headliner on those deals. 

Another problem: Amazon probably added 150bn market cap in that period. Transactional businesses galore at $1bn+ have bloomed – LendingClub? Uber? I mean there are some big big companies that are not mobile or Facebook.