Updates from amol sarva

Hi! You’re getting this email because a family member or friend is helping us test Kidpost, a new service that rounds up pictures of their kids from sites like Facebook and Instagram — and sends them to loved ones like you — in emails like this! It’s a great way to keep up with those little ones.

In this phase, emails like this one will get sent every day or two. If you’re OK with that, please click the link below to confirm. Otherwise, just ignore this email and no more will be sent to you!
Confirm: http://www.kidpost.net/confirmation?i=277&s=F8Tdlsp5zIMxXlfZn1C7Pat2EhE&e=asarvaco%40drownout.com

Amol Sarva posted a pic ‘Playing with a picture posting service #kidpost’: https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/10364209_10101288040049212_599715272172294945_n.jpg

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