Modern marvels in Spring.

Dear friends,

What you see above is a little bag of purple rings, featuring a small sculpture of my head.

Modern times are amazing and I want to share with you **three aspects** of what has amazed me as Spring time has opened up on us this week in New York:

1. After musing about a book project for a while, I tried it, using Kickstarter and suddenly it's off to the races. **Q is for Queens, an ABC book about New York's biggest borough.** Goals met, TV interviews, and politicians calling for it to be put in every school — [you can help it get there here]

2. A year ago a friend came to me and said “help me make this wild idea into reality”. I helped a bit and man did it come out nice — [**Gramofon**]( A box that **streams your online music to any stereo** or speaker. Only $50 for the first few. Half cost of Apple Airports or 1/4 of Sonos. And better – works with any smartphone and any music service. And here's a twist – the first factory run is available by Kickstarter only here: [****] – and unlike most such projects (including my book) the product is done. It's just about getting yours first.

3. Last year we hosted a conference in Brooklyn called **Inbox Awesome**, as a way to start thinking over Knotable carefully. Good things came of it and we are doing it again. So if you want to **come be in a room of 200 startup founders** and marketers thinking over how inboxes, messages, chats, alerts, and so forth will change the world next year, please go here []( and type “Special Discount!” to attend for $300 off. Some NYC luminaries of the web, mobile and email world will be there.

It's been an intense winter putting these things together — and more stuff I'm not even mentioning. You'll have to stay tuned (or get off my “Amol's Contacts who he should stay in better touch with” list using the links below).

Finally, **do send along a hello**, update of your own or reaction. Most welcome and appreciated

Kind regards,

@amol /

P.S. You are still welcome to join us at the Knotel and work alongside us=[]

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