The feeling of inside knowledge

The internet is amazing in how it makes information available. Insider, exclusive, hot tips from the tastemakers of Silicon Valley are published all day long on Techcrunch.

Any avid student can read the latest trends, the tips on how to deal with investors, how to hire and fire.

And yet, I never meet a knowledgeable CEO or investor who tells me something they read on the big blogs. Sometimes we debate our own views on these things.

The information up there is not hot news.

In fact, we know this in how we disclose our own information to the public media. We never tell them anything.

And the blogs don’t have the time to do real investigation either — what passes for research is really just having a full inbox.

So, in case you feel well informed and know how to do things, I think you should re-think it.

In fact, it gives me pause too — the real insiders know some amazing stuff I wish I knew.