Enterprise tech, like spreadsheets

A great Planet Money piece on how the spreadsheet got invented and how it entered accounting and finance. (Two versions at the link.) The basic outline is paper spreadsheets existed before, then the computer made it easier to recalculate when

Enterprise tech, like spreadsheets

A great Planet Money piece on how the spreadsheet got invented and how it entered accounting and finance. (Two versions at the link.) The basic outline is paper spreadsheets existed before, then the computer made it easier to recalculate when

Predicting big changes, the rational way

What will the future hold? When is an invention or an innovation an actual venture opportunity? Here please find some amateur futurism from a professional trend watcher — ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2017/5/24/not-even-wrong-ways-to-dismiss-technology — a thoughtful and excellent piece by A16Z’s content marketing department

Predicting big changes, the rational way

What will the future hold? When is an invention or an innovation an actual venture opportunity? Here please find some amateur futurism from a professional trend watcher — ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2017/5/24/not-even-wrong-ways-to-dismiss-technology — a thoughtful and excellent piece by A16Z’s content marketing department

How to use hats in developing ideas.

One page version of Edward De Boon’s book.

How to use hats in developing ideas.

One page version of Edward De Boon’s book.

Halo in the military

Check out these SEALs and other special forces with their Halo Sports. Buy your own.

Halo in the military

Check out these SEALs and other special forces with their Halo Sports. Buy your own.

Compassionate Automation, by Jeremy Herrman

One slide tells the whole tale of recent American history: It’s from Jeremy’s talk on humane, compassionate automation. (Boils down to “automation to assist humans”.) The big question is what happened in 1973?  This, this and this. Watergate, Honda Civic,

Compassionate Automation, by Jeremy Herrman

One slide tells the whole tale of recent American history: It’s from Jeremy’s talk on humane, compassionate automation. (Boils down to “automation to assist humans”.) The big question is what happened in 1973?  This, this and this. Watergate, Honda Civic,

Robots and the end of working, in steps since 1850

National Holidays 8 hour day Weekends Childhood Vacation Retirement Adolescence College Graduate school Vacation

Robots and the end of working, in steps since 1850

National Holidays 8 hour day Weekends Childhood Vacation Retirement Adolescence College Graduate school Vacation

Robot vacuumed takes ten times longer to clean a table


Robot vacuumed takes ten times longer to clean a table


Six Ps of Venture Investing, hat tip to Morgan Polatan

We had the very thoughtful and insightful investor from Bloomberg Beta visit our Knotel Venture School class on Thursday May 11. Morgan told us how he evaluates venture investments, roughly, using his very nice checklist. Presenting… Morgan’s six P framework.

Six Ps of Venture Investing, hat tip to Morgan Polatan

We had the very thoughtful and insightful investor from Bloomberg Beta visit our Knotel Venture School class on Thursday May 11. Morgan told us how he evaluates venture investments, roughly, using his very nice checklist. Presenting… Morgan’s six P framework.

Book pitch– In Search of Lost Time: Lifehacks

In an age of non-stop productivity podcasts and to-do how-tos, let the ancients and the canonized teach you: – how to live – Boethius – being lucky – Pascal – time management – Proust – your goals – Melville –

Book pitch– In Search of Lost Time: Lifehacks

In an age of non-stop productivity podcasts and to-do how-tos, let the ancients and the canonized teach you: – how to live – Boethius – being lucky – Pascal – time management – Proust – your goals – Melville –

Work Awesome Deutschland

WorkAwesome.de is happening — November 30th this year in Berlin. http://workawesome.de/ I will be there. Hope you will be too.  

Work Awesome Deutschland

WorkAwesome.de is happening — November 30th this year in Berlin. http://workawesome.de/ I will be there. Hope you will be too.