Lead-gen vs. Transactional Marketplaces

You never get the same taxi driver. Uber hosts a transactional market. But a handyman is a hiring decision not a transaction. All the good marketplaces from Ebay to Amazon to Uber seem to help you do what retailers have

Lead-gen vs. Transactional Marketplaces

You never get the same taxi driver. Uber hosts a transactional market. But a handyman is a hiring decision not a transaction. All the good marketplaces from Ebay to Amazon to Uber seem to help you do what retailers have

Interesting measurements and party tricks to impress your friends. 

Some things people do when they get lost: – get to high elevation – try to walk in a straight line – create a base location and search the radius around it, returning to it frequently – stay in one

Interesting measurements and party tricks to impress your friends. 

Some things people do when they get lost: – get to high elevation – try to walk in a straight line – create a base location and search the radius around it, returning to it frequently – stay in one

This was my 7th grade science project

Study: A fascinating aspect of language looks to be biologically hardwired in our brains Quartz Does the Turkish word küçük (pronounced coo-chook) mean “big” or “small”? If you guessed the latter without knowing the language, you’re right—and there may be…

This was my 7th grade science project

Study: A fascinating aspect of language looks to be biologically hardwired in our brains Quartz Does the Turkish word küçük (pronounced coo-chook) mean “big” or “small”? If you guessed the latter without knowing the language, you’re right—and there may be…

Twitters problems in an image

Two screenshots. Facebook screen space is search, post, add friends, like. There is a whole menu tab about incoming friend requests. Twitter buries post, search, add/discover friends. QED Amol Sarva, Ph.D. // [email protected] // @amol // 530-727-8277 // Knotable //

Twitters problems in an image

Two screenshots. Facebook screen space is search, post, add friends, like. There is a whole menu tab about incoming friend requests. Twitter buries post, search, add/discover friends. QED Amol Sarva, Ph.D. // [email protected] // @amol // 530-727-8277 // Knotable //

Investment themes of one of the big NYC funds.

I had the pleasure of chatting with a new partner at a great NYC VC recently. Here are their themes: – Bitcoin. – Drones and robots. – Space. – Real estate. – Sales and marketing SaaS. This is a fascinating

Investment themes of one of the big NYC funds.

I had the pleasure of chatting with a new partner at a great NYC VC recently. Here are their themes: – Bitcoin. – Drones and robots. – Space. – Real estate. – Sales and marketing SaaS. This is a fascinating

Neuroscientists don’t know what consciousness is

An interesting finding! // The research, led by Mohamad Koubeissi at GWU in Washington DC, was originally tasked with analyzing a woman with epilepsy. The neuroscientists were stimulating regions of the brain with electrodes in an attempt to discover where

Neuroscientists don’t know what consciousness is

An interesting finding! // The research, led by Mohamad Koubeissi at GWU in Washington DC, was originally tasked with analyzing a woman with epilepsy. The neuroscientists were stimulating regions of the brain with electrodes in an attempt to discover where

Podcast with me: Venture For America “who are you” interview.

Pretty good overview of all the stuff I have worked on to date and why. Here is where they publish their podcast series.

Podcast with me: Venture For America “who are you” interview.

Pretty good overview of all the stuff I have worked on to date and why. Here is where they publish their podcast series.

The credit cycle.

We are cleeeeearly near the top of a credit cycle. The leveraged buyout of EMC is the all time number one. The cluster of biggest-ever deals are all nowish or else…2000. More on the deal though it’s kind of a

The credit cycle.

We are cleeeeearly near the top of a credit cycle. The leveraged buyout of EMC is the all time number one. The cluster of biggest-ever deals are all nowish or else…2000. More on the deal though it’s kind of a

Superpowers and war.

Some gloomy friends say war with China is inevitable. Thucydides trap, it’s called. Rising power makes incumbent power annoyed, and then a little thing becomes a big thing. That caused WW1 – some interlocking alliances to stabilize the ascendant Germany

Superpowers and war.

Some gloomy friends say war with China is inevitable. Thucydides trap, it’s called. Rising power makes incumbent power annoyed, and then a little thing becomes a big thing. That caused WW1 – some interlocking alliances to stabilize the ascendant Germany

Screencast of your iPhone app

It’s surprisingly easy. All the other nonsense on the web is out of date. Restart your Quicktime Player app and restart your iPhone. Plug your iPhone into your Mac. Choose New Movie Recording from Quicktime Player. (Don’t choose New Screen

Screencast of your iPhone app

It’s surprisingly easy. All the other nonsense on the web is out of date. Restart your Quicktime Player app and restart your iPhone. Plug your iPhone into your Mac. Choose New Movie Recording from Quicktime Player. (Don’t choose New Screen