Why Are Women So Unhappy?

That’s a headline women love to read about. Of course society is set up to make women miserable…the question is how exactly to undo it! A discussion of this — triggered by the “women report lower happiness now than 1970,

Why Are Women So Unhappy?

That’s a headline women love to read about. Of course society is set up to make women miserable…the question is how exactly to undo it! A discussion of this — triggered by the “women report lower happiness now than 1970,

Are you CEO of Peek mobile?

This is real. Cc: > > > Dear Dr. Amol, > > Are you the CEO of Peek Mobile? > > Do you still sell Peek Mobile? or no more? > > If no more, do you have some Peek

Are you CEO of Peek mobile?

This is real. Cc: > > > Dear Dr. Amol, > > Are you the CEO of Peek Mobile? > > Do you still sell Peek Mobile? or no more? > > If no more, do you have some Peek

We bought a new TV

Dear industry trend watchers and tech execs looking for sample-size-one survey data: When the Mac Mini came out we bought it and plugged it into our TV. 2005? Something like that. Law & Order syndrome prompted me to cancel Time

We bought a new TV

Dear industry trend watchers and tech execs looking for sample-size-one survey data: When the Mac Mini came out we bought it and plugged it into our TV. 2005? Something like that. Law & Order syndrome prompted me to cancel Time

Minutes of use

When we started Virgin Mobile, the entire mobile phone industry was obsessed with minutes of use. How many minutes did you talk on your phone each month? The core infrastructure was set up to measure minutes, so they ran their

Minutes of use

When we started Virgin Mobile, the entire mobile phone industry was obsessed with minutes of use. How many minutes did you talk on your phone each month? The core infrastructure was set up to measure minutes, so they ran their

The Queensboro Bridge

“The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge,” Nick says, “is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world”. From Gatsby. http://www.nyc-architecture.com/BRI/BRI006-QueensboroBridge.htm

The Queensboro Bridge

“The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge,” Nick says, “is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world”. From Gatsby. http://www.nyc-architecture.com/BRI/BRI006-QueensboroBridge.htm

Woot. Kickstarter featured Q today

http://tiny.CC/qisforqueens ———- Forwarded message ———- From: “Kickstarter Staff” Subject: Happening: A sleep narrative To: Cc: > A friendly reminder that you can watch hundreds of Kickstarter-funded films RIGHT NOW on iTunes! Oh, also… we’re on SnapChat. Hit us up @kickstarterHQ.

Woot. Kickstarter featured Q today

http://tiny.CC/qisforqueens ———- Forwarded message ———- From: “Kickstarter Staff” Subject: Happening: A sleep narrative To: Cc: > A friendly reminder that you can watch hundreds of Kickstarter-funded films RIGHT NOW on iTunes! Oh, also… we’re on SnapChat. Hit us up @kickstarterHQ.


This year, I’m going. (It’s May 3rd this year) PROXYVOTE.COM You elected to receive shareholder communications and submit voting instructions via the Internet. This e-mail notification contains information specific to your holding in the security identified below. Please read the


This year, I’m going. (It’s May 3rd this year) PROXYVOTE.COM You elected to receive shareholder communications and submit voting instructions via the Internet. This e-mail notification contains information specific to your holding in the security identified below. Please read the

Management at the edge

One of our top engineers said to me “I don’t think I can manage anyone”. I don’t think he wants to either. Keeps his own hours. Works from home. In China. And earns 2x his peers. Nobody manages him. We

Management at the edge

One of our top engineers said to me “I don’t think I can manage anyone”. I don’t think he wants to either. Keeps his own hours. Works from home. In China. And earns 2x his peers. Nobody manages him. We

What I learned about online-to-offline

A lesson on user acquisition–>activation. People need some thing to do the moment they land on your app. What I learned about online-to-offline http://justinkan.com/exec-errands-post-mortem Quote from the article: When they heard about Exec, people thought it sounded like a cool

What I learned about online-to-offline

A lesson on user acquisition–>activation. People need some thing to do the moment they land on your app. What I learned about online-to-offline http://justinkan.com/exec-errands-post-mortem Quote from the article: When they heard about Exec, people thought it sounded like a cool

Hit factories

In the gaming industry, success has always been highly unpredictable. Parker Brothers, according to a history of the company, found that there was no secret formula: products that tested well often flopped in the marketplace, while “an in-house flop could

Hit factories

In the gaming industry, success has always been highly unpredictable. Parker Brothers, according to a history of the company, found that there was no secret formula: products that tested well often flopped in the marketplace, while “an in-house flop could