Five data points about crowdfunding

Everybody is doing it. In the last 30 days, in my inbox: – Writer/friend launching a subscription/support for her writing – Large startup planning its crowdfunded new product – Super early startup that wants to crowdfund their game app –

Five data points about crowdfunding

Everybody is doing it. In the last 30 days, in my inbox: – Writer/friend launching a subscription/support for her writing – Large startup planning its crowdfunded new product – Super early startup that wants to crowdfund their game app –

The platform war that is destroying your inbox and wasting your time that Google should apologize for: Read vs Archive vs Delete

One of the great platform wars of our age is not – Single vs Double click – GUI vs CL – 32 bit vs 64 bit – ARM vs Intel – Keypad vs Touch – Folders vs Search.  It isn’t any

The platform war that is destroying your inbox and wasting your time that Google should apologize for: Read vs Archive vs Delete

One of the great platform wars of our age is not – Single vs Double click – GUI vs CL – 32 bit vs 64 bit – ARM vs Intel – Keypad vs Touch – Folders vs Search.  It isn’t any

The Future of the News Business: A Monumental Twitter Stream All in One Place | Marc Andreessen

Just insanely good. The Future of the News Business: A Monumental Twitter Stream All in One Place | Marc Andreessen Shared via the AOL App Amol Sarva, Ph.D. // @amol // [email protected] this month but usually [email protected] // 530-727-8277

The Future of the News Business: A Monumental Twitter Stream All in One Place | Marc Andreessen

Just insanely good. The Future of the News Business: A Monumental Twitter Stream All in One Place | Marc Andreessen Shared via the AOL App Amol Sarva, Ph.D. // @amol // [email protected] this month but usually [email protected] // 530-727-8277

TaskRabbit, some scary shit

On the one hand these crowd-work platforms are great. We have hired a bunch of people via the platform to work at various properties (repairs, cleaning…) and it’s so easy –> they reply online, email with you, etc. Like ebay

TaskRabbit, some scary shit

On the one hand these crowd-work platforms are great. We have hired a bunch of people via the platform to work at various properties (repairs, cleaning…) and it’s so easy –> they reply online, email with you, etc. Like ebay

At least change the Blue to another color

Geez Microsoft. BSOD still exists.

At least change the Blue to another color

Geez Microsoft. BSOD still exists.

amol sarva shared an article from Pocket: The Four Stages of Disruption

Sinofsky articulating the MSFT Defense. He ran Windows. He played the incumbent role for years. This disruption playbook by him is surely his old game plan. Windows 8 = Complete Reimagination? The Four Stages of Disruption %textQuotePrefix% %quote% —

amol sarva shared an article from Pocket: The Four Stages of Disruption

Sinofsky articulating the MSFT Defense. He ran Windows. He played the incumbent role for years. This disruption playbook by him is surely his old game plan. Windows 8 = Complete Reimagination? The Four Stages of Disruption %textQuotePrefix% %quote% —

From Tesla’s autobiography

MyInventionsTheAutobiographyOfNikolaTesla.docx“The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces of nature

From Tesla’s autobiography

MyInventionsTheAutobiographyOfNikolaTesla.docx“The progressive development of man is vitally dependent on invention. It is the most important product of his creative brain. Its ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of the forces of nature

Mike Tyson quotes for entrepreneurs

Ben Horowitz: courage is the key to success. Mike Tyson: difference between someone who has courage and doesn’t is not how they feel. It’s what they do. Ben Horowitz: sometimes you have to change your idea. Mike Tyson: everybody has

Mike Tyson quotes for entrepreneurs

Ben Horowitz: courage is the key to success. Mike Tyson: difference between someone who has courage and doesn’t is not how they feel. It’s what they do. Ben Horowitz: sometimes you have to change your idea. Mike Tyson: everybody has

Grab bag of good marketing ideas Gimmicks galore. And proof that gimmicks work.

Grab bag of good marketing ideas Gimmicks galore. And proof that gimmicks work.

Product rant: logging in

Waving your phone to pay for stuff is just around the corner. Apparently your phone is as secure as anything in the universe. It can move money. And yet, I am typing usernames and passwords into my phone all day

Product rant: logging in

Waving your phone to pay for stuff is just around the corner. Apparently your phone is as secure as anything in the universe. It can move money. And yet, I am typing usernames and passwords into my phone all day