Things only male candidates say when pitching for a role


Hi Amol,
Put me in the room with any of those candidates and I will beat them out. Amount of experience and knowledge I have on NYC real estate they wouldint have given my background is unique. I have been in NYC real estate since 18.
Your hiring the same people your competitors are, then how do you separate yourself?
Hire someone who comes from a unique background.
I’ll prove my worth if not you can fire me and I’ll help you find a better candidate.
On the one hand, 18 years in the business; on the other hand, unique. Didn’t pursue.
I don’t care about titles, salary or equity. You can make me an unpaid intern and give me a list of challenges that keep you up at night. After a couple of weeks, if you’re not overwhelmingly impressed by my contribution then I’ll walk away.
I initially was working a deal with WeWork and, while researching the company, Knotel came up. I had known about you for a while and we briefly met at an event months back. I’ve always had a bad feeling about WeWork and their whole ethos so I switched gears and started reading more about Knotel including some of your talks. Honestly, it felt like I was channeling a kindred spirit and I knew I wanted to be on your team. Unfortunately for you, I grew up in Houston.
I’ve spent 9 years as a failed startup entrepreneur. Over the summer I began advising a startup run by a very young visionary and was able to prove how effective I am in crafting operations and establishing a clear strategy. With all the lessons I’ve learned, I’m now damn good at what I do:
  • Strategy: Taking the CEOs vision and building a strategic plan for execution
  • Operations: Developing systems and workflows for internal trust and communicational efficiency
  • Mentorship: On-boarding new team members and finding where they can perform optimally
  • Product: Fifteen years of experience overseeing the development of web and mobile products
I’m hungry for work where I can help grow a company that has a clear vision and sees the sky as their limit.
I’m not going to wait another day or a long interview process. I’m coming into the Knotel office tomorrow and look forward to a conversation.
We kicked him out.
A new market:
I think we should meet, and discuss this in more detail and sing a non-disclosure agreement to protect our interests. Then we will move forward.
On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 3:38 PM Amol Sarva <axxx@xxx> wrote:
Many thanks. Who are some of the groups you think we should work with in Russia?
On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 8:50 PM Alex xx <axxx@xxxx> wrote:
I have many contacts in Russia, we should work together to have your ideas there.