Category Archives: Posts

Could the deflating bubbles worldwide be an innocent good thing?

Maybe the worst will pass without incident? China – deflated/deflating but not crashing (as long as growth is +3% and their government stays stable…seems good enough for me) Startups – early/late stage companies in soft landing with repricing of seed,

Could the deflating bubbles worldwide be an innocent good thing?

Maybe the worst will pass without incident? China – deflated/deflating but not crashing (as long as growth is +3% and their government stays stable…seems good enough for me) Startups – early/late stage companies in soft landing with repricing of seed,

Venturing to Change the World, the startups class at Columbia College this spring.

I’m teaching a class with Damon Phillips this Spring at Columbia. It’s pretty exciting. Here’s what it’s about: how to start startups and build them into something important. It’s a survey; it covers a broad range of topics related to

Venturing to Change the World, the startups class at Columbia College this spring.

I’m teaching a class with Damon Phillips this Spring at Columbia. It’s pretty exciting. Here’s what it’s about: how to start startups and build them into something important. It’s a survey; it covers a broad range of topics related to

New Fortune Post: What I Wish They Taught Me…

Fortune asked me to write about the things I wish someone taught me before starting a company. There is a long list; in fact, there will be a class taught by me at Columbia College about this starting in about 10

New Fortune Post: What I Wish They Taught Me…

Fortune asked me to write about the things I wish someone taught me before starting a company. There is a long list; in fact, there will be a class taught by me at Columbia College about this starting in about 10

Turning your WordPress blog into Knotable

Somehow I only noticed this now, six-months after its release –> Automattic, the makers of WordPress, run their company on a flavor of Knotable. It’s a theme for their own product called P2 –> Try it or look at

Turning your WordPress blog into Knotable

Somehow I only noticed this now, six-months after its release –> Automattic, the makers of WordPress, run their company on a flavor of Knotable. It’s a theme for their own product called P2 –> Try it or look at

1 more hour per day.

The NYT site tells me I read 133 articles “recently”. I think that’s not far off — perhaps 5-10 articles per day at 3-5 minutes each. ~750 minutes per month. 13 hours – half an hour per day. Plus Twitter,

1 more hour per day.

The NYT site tells me I read 133 articles “recently”. I think that’s not far off — perhaps 5-10 articles per day at 3-5 minutes each. ~750 minutes per month. 13 hours – half an hour per day. Plus Twitter,

Our first solar panel

About one kilowatt per hour on a winter day. That’s $0.25 per daylight hour in New York.

Our first solar panel

About one kilowatt per hour on a winter day. That’s $0.25 per daylight hour in New York.

Cumulative Advantage, or how the hit factory works like a monopoly

If you play the same song to lots of different people, they will like it more if they know it is popular. That’s what that article explains, from a careful experiment of social-proof vs independent tastes in songs. (It’s

Cumulative Advantage, or how the hit factory works like a monopoly

If you play the same song to lots of different people, they will like it more if they know it is popular. That’s what that article explains, from a careful experiment of social-proof vs independent tastes in songs. (It’s

Careers of the future: nonroutine, cognitive, interpersonal

alm_memo_June21-2013.pdfManual-task-centric careers – hosed due to machines Routine-task-centric – hosed due to computers Analytic – hosed due to information technology So… Creative, unstructured, abstract tasks That require thinking and deciding and communicating In Person-to-person or Social domains Those are the

Careers of the future: nonroutine, cognitive, interpersonal

alm_memo_June21-2013.pdfManual-task-centric careers – hosed due to machines Routine-task-centric – hosed due to computers Analytic – hosed due to information technology So… Creative, unstructured, abstract tasks That require thinking and deciding and communicating In Person-to-person or Social domains Those are the

Invention vs Launching

A great line from Schumpeter, on invention: “The market introduction of a technical or organizational novelty, not just its invention.” So good. Startups aren’t science projects, they require the market. Go to market. Marketing. Launch. Customers. Traction. (A corollary is

Invention vs Launching

A great line from Schumpeter, on invention: “The market introduction of a technical or organizational novelty, not just its invention.” So good. Startups aren’t science projects, they require the market. Go to market. Marketing. Launch. Customers. Traction. (A corollary is

Genius and things resembling autism

These days everyone who is a little weird gets people worrying about autism. Autism is a specific thing, but there are many other ways people can be atypical in their verbal or social behaviors. This is a great article about

Genius and things resembling autism

These days everyone who is a little weird gets people worrying about autism. Autism is a specific thing, but there are many other ways people can be atypical in their verbal or social behaviors. This is a great article about